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Essays, Articles, and Book Excerpts on Shakespeare's Theatres and Elizabethan England

 The Globe in Shakespeare's Day
 The Royal Palaces

 Shakespeare's Audience in his Day
 Going to a Play in Shakespeare's London
 London's First Public Playhouse
 Shakespeare's Boss

 Shakespeare Hits the Big Time
 Theatre Closures Due to Disease
 Entertainment in Elizabethan England
 Shocking Elizabethan Drama
 The King's Men

 The Greatest Actor of Shakespeare's Day
 Edward Alleyn: Master of the Elizabethan Stage
 William Kempe: Shakespeare's Clown

 Daily Life in Shakespeare's London
 What did Shakespeare drink?
 What did Shakespeare look like?

 The Theatre
 The Curtain
 Newington Butts
 The Rose
 The Swan
 The Inn Yards
 Blackfriars Theatre

 Words Shakespeare Invented
 Reasons Behind Shakespeare's Influence
 Shakespeare's Blank Verse
 Shakespeare's Language

 Play Chronology
 Shakespeare Characters A to Z
 Pronouncing Shakespearean Names
 Shakespeare's Metaphors and Similes
 How many plays did Shakespeare write?
 Shakespeare Quotations (by Play and Theme)
 The First Folio