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The Taming of the Shrew

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ACT V SCENE I Padua. Before LUCENTIO'S house. 
[ GREMIO discovered. Enter behind BIONDELLO, LUCENTIO, and BIANCA ]
BIONDELLOSoftly and swiftly, sir; for the priest is ready.
LUCENTIOI fly, Biondello: but they may chance to need thee
at home; therefore leave us.
BIONDELLONay, faith, I'll see the church o' your back; and
then come back to my master's as soon as I can.5
GREMIOI marvel Cambio comes not all this while.
PETRUCHIOSir, here's the door, this is Lucentio's house:
My father's bears more toward the market-place;
Thither must I, and here I leave you, sir.
VINCENTIOYou shall not choose but drink before you go:10
I think I shall command your welcome here,
And, by all likelihood, some cheer is toward.
GREMIOThey're busy within; you were best knock louder.
[Pedant looks out of the window]
PedantWhat's he that knocks as he would beat down the gate?
VINCENTIOIs Signior Lucentio within, sir?15
PedantHe's within, sir, but not to be spoken withal.
VINCENTIOWhat if a man bring him a hundred pound or two, to
make merry withal?
PedantKeep your hundred pounds to yourself: he shall
need none, so long as I live.20
PETRUCHIONay, I told you your son was well beloved in Padua.
Do you hear, sir? To leave frivolous circumstances,
I pray you, tell Signior Lucentio that his father is
come from Pisa, and is here at the door to speak with him.
PedantThou liest: his father is come from Padua and here25
looking out at the window.
VINCENTIOArt thou his father?
PedantAy, sir; so his mother says, if I may believe her.
PETRUCHIO[To VINCENTIO] Why, how now, gentleman! why, this
is flat knavery, to take upon you another man's name.30
PedantLay hands on the villain: I believe a' means to
cozen somebody in this city under my countenance.
[Re-enter BIONDELLO]
BIONDELLOI have seen them in the church together: God send
'em good shipping! But who is here? mine old
master Vincentio! now we are undone and brought to nothing.35
Come hither, crack-hemp.
BIONDELLOHope I may choose, sir.
VINCENTIOCome hither, you rogue. What, have you forgot me?
BIONDELLOForgot you! no, sir: I could not forget you, for I40
never saw you before in all my life.
VINCENTIOWhat, you notorious villain, didst thou never see
thy master's father, Vincentio?
BIONDELLOWhat, my old worshipful old master? yes, marry, sir:
see where he looks out of the window.45
VINCENTIOIs't so, indeed.
BIONDELLOHelp, help, help! here's a madman will murder me.
PedantHelp, son! help, Signior Baptista!
[Exit from above]
PETRUCHIOPrithee, Kate, let's stand aside and see the end of
this controversy.50
[They retire]
[Re-enter Pedant below; TRANIO, BAPTISTA, and Servants]
TRANIOSir, what are you that offer to beat my servant?
VINCENTIOWhat am I, sir! nay, what are you, sir? O immortal
gods! O fine villain! A silken doublet! a velvet
hose! a scarlet cloak! and a copatain hat! O, I
am undone! I am undone! while I play the good55
husband at home, my son and my servant spend all at
the university.
TRANIOHow now! what's the matter?
BAPTISTAWhat, is the man lunatic?
TRANIOSir, you seem a sober ancient gentleman by your60
habit, but your words show you a madman. Why, sir,
what 'cerns it you if I wear pearl and gold? I

thank my good father, I am able to maintain it.
VINCENTIOThy father! O villain! he is a sailmaker in Bergamo.
BAPTISTAYou mistake, sir, you mistake, sir. Pray, what do65
you think is his name?
VINCENTIOHis name! as if I knew not his name: I have brought
him up ever since he was three years old, and his
name is Tranio.
PedantAway, away, mad ass! his name is Lucentio and he is70
mine only son, and heir to the lands of me, Signior Vincentio.
VINCENTIOLucentio! O, he hath murdered his master! Lay hold
on him, I charge you, in the duke's name. O, my
son, my son! Tell me, thou villain, where is my son Lucentio?
TRANIOCall forth an officer.75
[Enter one with an Officer]
Carry this mad knave to the gaol. Father Baptista,
I charge you see that he be forthcoming.
VINCENTIOCarry me to the gaol!
GREMIOStay, officer: he shall not go to prison.
BAPTISTATalk not, Signior Gremio: I say he shall go to prison.80
GREMIOTake heed, Signior Baptista, lest you be
cony-catched in this business: I dare swear this
is the right Vincentio.
PedantSwear, if thou darest.
GREMIONay, I dare not swear it.85
TRANIOThen thou wert best say that I am not Lucentio.
GREMIOYes, I know thee to be Signior Lucentio.
BAPTISTAAway with the dotard! to the gaol with him!
VINCENTIOThus strangers may be hailed and abused: O
monstrous villain!90
BIONDELLOO! we are spoiled and--yonder he is: deny him,
forswear him, or else we are all undone.
LUCENTIO[Kneeling] Pardon, sweet father.
VINCENTIOLives my sweet son?
[ Exeunt BIONDELLO, TRANIO, and Pedant, as fast as may be ]
BIANCAPardon, dear father.95
BAPTISTAHow hast thou offended?
Where is Lucentio?
LUCENTIOHere's Lucentio,
Right son to the right Vincentio;
That have by marriage made thy daughter mine,100
While counterfeit supposes bleared thine eyne.
GREMIOHere's packing, with a witness to deceive us all!
VINCENTIOWhere is that damned villain Tranio,
That faced and braved me in this matter so?
BAPTISTAWhy, tell me, is not this my Cambio?105
BIANCACambio is changed into Lucentio.
LUCENTIOLove wrought these miracles. Bianca's love
Made me exchange my state with Tranio,
While he did bear my countenance in the town;
And happily I have arrived at the last110
Unto the wished haven of my bliss.
What Tranio did, myself enforced him to;
Then pardon him, sweet father, for my sake.
VINCENTIOI'll slit the villain's nose, that would have sent
me to the gaol.115
BAPTISTABut do you hear, sir? have you married my daughter
without asking my good will?
VINCENTIOFear not, Baptista; we will content you, go to: but
I will in, to be revenged for this villany.
BAPTISTAAnd I, to sound the depth of this knavery.120
LUCENTIOLook not pale, Bianca; thy father will not frown.
GREMIOMy cake is dough; but I'll in among the rest,
Out of hope of all, but my share of the feast.
KATHARINAHusband, let's follow, to see the end of this ado.
PETRUCHIOFirst kiss me, Kate, and we will.125
KATHARINAWhat, in the midst of the street?
PETRUCHIOWhat, art thou ashamed of me?
KATHARINANo, sir, God forbid; but ashamed to kiss.
PETRUCHIOWhy, then let's home again. Come, sirrah, let's away.
KATHARINANay, I will give thee a kiss: now pray thee, love, stay.130
PETRUCHIOIs not this well? Come, my sweet Kate:
Better once than never, for never too late.

Next: The Taming of the Shrew, Act 5, Scene 2


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